Fraude à l'investissement
CoinClan et leur société Sonic Trading à Vilnius

Pseudonyme utiliséCoinClan et leur société Sonic Trading à Vilnius
Url / Site
Score fiabilité Scamdoc | Info Contact / Whois
Contenu de la fraudeCe vendeur de cryptos demande aux clients d’effectuer un dépôt de sécurité d’un an chez eux pour conclure un achat. Sans quoi ils interrompent la transaction. Voyez mon signalement en anglais pour plus de détails.
Commentaire / ExplicationsSCAM ALERT !!
CoinClan tried (and are still trying) to scam me, and many less discerning people into giving them a ONE YEAR 0% interest deposit of several thousand CHF, by sending me a message that would make any buyer fear that all is money was lost, so they (CC) can use this psychological leverage to hurry the buyers into giving them funds to play with. That's a scam. And Binance is their accomplice.